In life there is double balance. There is moon-sun, wind-calm,hot-cold, summer-winter, day-night. The list is endless. For life to be more sweet, all parties need to be empowered. Boys, as girls need empowerment, without demeaning any quarter. I know of boyteens who approached empowered girls for marriage but their proposal turned down. What came of them, they resorted to hoolligalism. They became the village rapists for they knew that them having no lifeskills to encounter life challenges could not master their ways to live harmoniously with women. Thus I support fully the inclusion of boys into bringing about the need to raise a wholesome girl. Let's remember that those unempowered boys will be the husbands to those empowered girls. No woman in her right mind would wish to spend her lifetime with an incompetent man. In leaving boys out in the this noble course of empowering girls, they feel unwanted, unworthy and a burden to the family n society as a whole. Starting with families which have boys and girls, the parents can treat all of them equally, without discrimination such that they view themselves as equals and partners in life and not TWO OPPOSING POWERS! With such trend, boys won't go in to learn new survival tricks to counteract empowered girls. Let's remember that the existence of security personnel is due to existence of goons, criminals etc.

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