week one Living Again with web 2.0

Globally women have been known to be spoken of in the second,third or fourth place, depending from the angle of the world you coming from.
Generally speaking like sombody who is conversant with both the bible and the Quran, i got to know that the holy book does talk of women in the second place, but never degrade women. The assisgned role as visible in our holybook, traditional believe was an act of division of labour, specialization in carrying out specific function, never a means of segregation, under estimation as painted.
A mis interpretation or minunderstanding, delibrate, to promote advance interest of the male folk. so entranch in the culture of the entire world, and of greater advantage to the beneficiaries, thus the fear of losing this profit, made difficult to accept the new world order toward equity in distribution of the world divide. Therefore it is not uncommon to see impedements associated with women struggle, in work places, politics, leadership positions, even in the homes.
Web 2.0, the long awaited mechanism that will lead the women to the promise land is here. The revolutionary invension of Web 2.0 is a result of long hard struggle, indurance, patience and dedication. Web 2.0 a global information and interactive global village, is and will continue to connect global women to each other. Women will be more informed, groam, prepared to face it, cuz information is power, this will broden the horizo of their global knowledge of happing among women and possible way to over come and move on. It will give women encouragement that they have not lost it all, there is still hope hiden in Web 2.0
To the entire women of the world web 2.0 is an open door, blank cheque, open window, with full of hopes out there. Women should spread the news of web 2.0 to other women. Teach them how to cash to web 2.0 for thereis hope out in web 2.0. as spoken bibilcally, "people perish out of ignorance" web 2.0 women can leave again. they can be seen not only heard.
Thank you web 2.0. You are the mother of technological advancement of this millinium.

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