Comments are your digital fingerprint: Thoughts and notes on a subject I want a discussion about. Look for updates.

Comments are your calling card.

My question to you is:

Are you reading this?

Can you contribute anything?

The answers are:

Yes you are reading this.


Yes you have something to contribute.

Leaving comments are:

  1. a digital calling card

  2. a two sided dialog.

  3. asking questions.

Rules for leaving a comments

  1. Read the other comments first.

  2. Asses the tone of the dialog.

  3. Offer praise and support as often as you want and thank people for leaving comments.

  4. Thoughtful interaction will be rewarded with surprising levels of intimacy. Do not be afraid to speak your mind. Interaction and collaboration online is a peaceful tool and represents the gifts and rewards of conflicts.

5.Remain vulnerable to crtizism and praise. Blogs and online communities are platforms for discussions. It is not a controlled medium.

  1. Use a respectful tone. Do not swear but do not be afraid to speak strongly.

  2. Get used to the sound of your online voice. Being scene and heard online can be done from the comfort of your own bedroom. Engaging in the revolution is fun and fascinating. Give in to your desire to experiment.

  3. If some leave a comment on one of your posts then comment back. Are you listening to your readers?

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