The change I want to see

The change I want to see

So many people make wrong choices daily either intentionally or worse off unconsciously. The process of decision making, I believe, is mostly driven by general ideas we hold and principles that govern our take of reality.

Unconsious decisions are made by aligning ourselves to what we accept is the norm. I used to read books, fiction and otherwise, indiscriminately. Not caring for the fact that the information I was taking in was actually shaping my conception of reality. Don't get me wrong, reading is a great thing but like every other form of information intake it could be harmful if not chosen selectively.

I also used to think the cool kids were the ones who broke all the rules and how if I could just do the things they did then somehow I will be considered cool. I now know how wrong this kind of thinking is. I know it now, and it gets me to ponderif I could have been convinced to have a shift in mindset. Toinstead considerexcellence as excellent.

Recently I have taken to watching TV shows. This is a great form of forgetting about current reality and focusing on something interesting. I can spend hours just watching these. But a pattern emerged in me. I started copying the characteristics of female heroines in movies in my own life. That led me to think more closely about what I let into my mind.

I am committed to making better choices. I have made so many wrong choices in the past for many reasons be it lack of information, misinformation or a wrong ideology of the consequences of making wrong choices.

I want to help young people, especially girls, who are at an impressionable age to be able to make decisions that will help them in the long run. I want to provide a platform where ladies (and people) who think this way can also influence youngsters.

Nowadays the internet is the surest place to meet these youngsters. I am brainstorming on how to get their interest first, and then make available to them information that will possibly displace wrong ideas and empower them for upcoming decisions in their sex lives.

I joined WORLDPULSE recently because it is made up of people who are aimed at social causes such as this. Ifthis resonates with you, if you can contribute in ANYway...please join this sister.

Ideas, encouragements and even just a shoutout are all welcome.

How to Get Involved

Contact me with ideas, join me as a partner or provide any other kind of contribution.


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