Do it with passion!

Hectic.... Active life! One could think it is easy to make the time to follow your passion. To me, it has never been. And I would like you to tell me if you have ever been able to go for your passion whenever you wanted, or is it just me... who doesn't (and never did) have the time to just follow the calling of her heart, simply, easily, ... without barriers, no kids crying, no food to be made, no work outside home...Just you and your passion, for a few moments.

This week I read everything that was posted here, and answered some stuff with short paragraphs, just enough to let them know I care, but not long enough to take me out of my busy life. Usually I would not have written anything, because I don't have the time. But I love this online space. Here I have recovered the one thing that helps me get in touch with my inner self, my lifetime passion: WRITING.

Today I realized don´t care if I do it right or wrong. I just want to do it. For the first time in my life, I am up to giving myself the taste of writing about anything and everything that comes to life through the magic of my own written word. With passion.

So, let the games begin. I cannot promise to write well or that you will like my writing. But I can promise I will do it through my soul and heart. To let you get in touch my spirit, and share the love I hold inside for my sisters, mothers, grandmothers, daughters, and friends who may not yet know that I am here for them. Whenever they need me.

Thank you guys from Pulse Wire, for the opportunity to express myself at last.

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