Happy new year!

Here's wishing all members a wonderful new year. I see my entry on empowering rural women has generated a lot of vibrant comments last year. Sorry I couldn't respond to these comments cos I was out of reach in terms of internet access. I will try my best in the next few days. It's great just being heard so I guess the pulse wire is a great tool for women working in undeveloped communities and others get to hear our voice and our issues too. That itself to my mind, is a great thing! Incidentally, Corrie, OCEAN has been asked to build the capacity of those 1000 women employed sanitary officers for effective service delivery in the New year we start training in a few weeks. Equally, the commissioner has asked me to present a proposal on what can be done throughout the year to keep sanitation on the front burner in the state. I have drafted a few activities but I would welcome any bright ideas from the members who are interested in helping out so I can include it in my draft. Once again I look forward to a wonderful working year and cheers to everyone.

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