Multimedia Content-- what is your experience?

Warm greetings to you all,

Since the Social Media section of Module 3 discusses Multimedia Content (, we thought it would be wonderful to spark a discussion here about that very topic. Videos, photos and spoken-words are all tools for conveying a strong message. While the VOF program largely deals with the power of the written word, we know that multimedia can add new dimensions to your work. So, we want to hear from you!

We want to know, what is your experience with multimedia content? What multimedia tools are available to you locally? What kinds of equipment have you used, or have you seen friends use? Does your phone have a camera for photos and videos? Where could you look for resources in your community, for free or at a low-cost to you?

We know that a number of you have been trained in video storytelling, or have even launched multimedia campaigns. It would be wonderful if you could share your experiences and lessons learned here with everyone. And, if you haven't yet explored the world of multimedia content, what would you like to do? Social media opens new doors for your work to be seen by a global community. So, how do you see videos, photos or audio adding to your already powerful written voice for change?

I look forward to seeing the exciting conversations here! Please, share your story and vision!

Best wishes,

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