Do you really know him?

Do you really know Him?

In all logical conclusion,there were more than 10,000 people that fateful day. Lets then empathize with the disciples for a moment.
From a human perspective, they were right. 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes certainly would not feed 5,000 men plus.

I have added “plus” because, in John's account we were told women and children were not counted. “The approximate count of men only were 5,000”. (John 6:10 B,The living Bible) .

The word “man” is often used in the Bible to represent both gender, but in this verse it can't be so in the sense that the word “only “ was used to qualify it, just to make understanding easier. The word only was stressed indicating that indeed women and children were not counted.
If so then let's assume that 50% of the men were married and each brought his wife and at least one child. That gives us 7,500 people(some may have come with more than one,others may have no child} The other 50% may have included widowers,divorced and bachelors. Let's not forget, the uncounted may also have included children,widows,divorced and other single women who were also trying to seek the single men's attention in such a big gathering.
Therefore from all physical indications, just like the disciples,5 loaves and 2 fishes were really not enough to feed over 10.000 people.

But the issue here is that, the disciples knew who Jesus was,they were always with him,they saw him healed the sick,raised the dead...So why didn't they believe Jesus was capable of feeding this huge crowd? Philip said”it will take a fortune to feed the crowd” Andrew said” There is a youngster with 5 loaves and 2 fishes,but how good is that with all this mob?” Nevertheless, Jesus instructed that, His disciples bring the loaves and fishes to Him. Even this act didn't dawn on the disciples that, they had watched Him raised the dead ,so someone who could perform such wonder is also capable to feed the hungry regardless of the number.
But Jesus went further to ask the disciples to prepare the mob in groups for their meal. Until this time. the disciples had no clue of the “how” but Jesus knew and He proved it.
The 5 loaves and 2 fishes multiplied to thousands with excesses.

Isn't it so easy to analyze from afar,? Sure, It is.
Let's now see the application in our own lives.
We proclaim we know well do we know this God?
How often do we know what Jesus said about supplying our needs , about not leaving us nor forsaking us,about we being healed by His stripes? Yet we still do not have faith that He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly.

We should know the kind of God we serve. A loving,caring and faithful God,who even in our unfaithfulness still remains faithful. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God according to the Good news,so study the Bible,don't just thumb through,listen to and watch “Godly” messages,songs,tapes etc and share the word and I believe strongly you will know Him well.

So the big question again is “Do you really know Him? I am sure by now you do.

Thank you for reading.

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