Does this happen only in Cameroon?

Cameroon is in the heart of Africa and a developing country just like any other. But something caught my attention recently. Almost ninety percent of the nursing staff in hospitals and clinics through out the country are school drop outs. Most doctors are empty heads that bribed to get into training schools. It makes me wonder what is going on in the head of authorities and those in charge. I mean, joke with other sectors but not with the health and lives of human beings.

Sometime ago, I had a biopsy done on my breast because I had a lump in it. Thank God, it was a benign tumor but the experience revealed to me the incapability of hospital staff in the country. I give you an example. I needed to have the dressings changed on the cut. So I go to the hospital and find this nurse who takes me into a room. She brings out a pair of scissors, a box of match, a candle, gauze and plaster and says 'let me sterilize the scissors.' She lights the candle and starts burning the pair of scissors. I was so shocked and afraid that I told her I was going to make a call and never went back. I want to tell you that even for a developing country, that was completely out of date. But because people like her dropped out school, they can afford to do that.

In Cameroon, those who go to nursing schools are not the brightest of students. They are students that have dropped out of normal school usually because they cannot keep up with intellectual challenges. When they leave such schools it is almost certain they will never attend any refresher course. No wonder our mortality rate is so high!

For doctors, it is almost the same thing. There are two schools of medicine in Cameroon and people don't get in there with their brains but with their pockets. What do you expect from such? Mediocrity. It is said an I wonder, does this happen in Cameroon only?

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