VOF Week 4: (Touching the dream )

At childhood I did not like to study. My father used to say to me “if you don’t lighten yourself than how can you lighten other? Education is something that can lighten you up, so do you best to be lightened to change the dark world.” In my inadequate mind I did not understand. I asked my father, “If education can change the world then why the educated people are fighting? Why are they discriminating: men and women, girls and boys, poor and rich, black and white? Their education is fake when they make the world as a mess and babies are dying for hunger.” Though I am not still a child but I do not have the answers but when anyone ask me the question what do you want to be I say a lighten person. The lighten person who wants to show her family, friends, society the light of peace.

I dream everyday that people are judging me as a person not a woman. They do not discriminate me from a man. They do not ignore me as weak and helpless. For the dream I need a dream world. In my green world , environment is friendly because people is not harming the environment, there is no separation of poor and rich, man and woman are happy with their life, no traffic jam, and many things as much as I can dream . Though it’s a dream but it does not seem fairy tale to me. I believe we can build the dream world.

My question is what I can do to arrive at my dream world. The answer is to change my self. I am trying to learn whatever I need and sharing with others. I hope if we share and be united we can success. Sometimes people laugh that women are fighting to have their rights but they do not look at them where they came from and why they are working. They can be blame that though there are few women but they improve a lot. Women are everywhere but not all the women are united so we need to be united and share our thoughts to each other.

To be united and be a support to each other sharing is important. A person’s unique ideas will fail if it is not published. Here, I have my dream world and I have my ideas how to get it but when I share it with others I got more ideas and hope as well as confident. I was not that much brave to talk independently. I was too shy to speak up but now I am sharing through the writings and when I got comments from other it seems documents to me. Words are strong. I cannot go to your mind but my words can and your words are the supporting for me. I want to share my learning, experiences, ideas, feelings though the world. I want to show other women how we are neglected. How can we be protected? A little step can carry a big message with can open others eyes.

I am proud to be a woman and I want to know other women’s success, failures. I want to show the world that women can do. Women want to bring peace and they have the qualities which can prove form by looking at a family. World Pulse is an easy effective way to be touched with women around the world. If I write something in a paper or a blog there is no surety that I reached a women as me and touched her. Moreover, the words encourage me more than other. It motivated me and gives an extra energy because I am not afraid here. Nobody will not discriminate me and I know that if there will be no support but there will be some suggestions. Those are more than encouragements. I got the chance to be touched with many women that I wished to which bring a meaning to me about World Pulse. I want to be touched and see the success of World Pulse. I know the success will be for women and I want to be a part of that success.

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