Dying to get my innate female wisdom back!

What is my personal vision for my life? Being asked that question has made me realize (like a ton of bricks bringing dropped on my head) that I’m in dire need of taking back my innate feminine wisdom. I have been aware of the power of the feminine for a long time now, but somewhere along the line, I’ve become seriously sidetracked. I am most definitely addicted to doing; a bona fide workaholic, I feel like I must put in extra work, extra time, and an exaggerated amount of extra effort in order to become accomplished in my line of work, simply because I’m one of the only females in my position. There’s nothing really special about my position, but I am most definitely operating in a male dominated arena. Besides being addicted to doing, I’ve also lost the ability to stand up for my true self. It’s embarrassing to admit, but I have been bullied into dismissing my emotional intelligence and intuition by guys who have less education, less experience and much less charisma than I do. As stuck up as I feel saying something like that, I know that it is the absolute truth; I haven’t been able to fully realize this truth until I sat down to write this assignment.

As I read the practices for taking back the wisdom of the feminine, I’m surprised that I’ve unconsciously have already taken certain steps in taking back the power of my own wisdom. Especially in my quest to become a better writer and citizen journalist, I’ve been trying to combat writers block by engaging in creative arts particularly by drawing, playing my guitar and singing. Still, for obvious reasons, I know I need to take more steps in order to fully take back the wisdom of the feminine, and I know I can’t do this alone.

Being part of the Voice of Our Future community has already played a pivotal role towards me doing this. The extraordinary support group that World Pulse creates has allowed me to embrace the other in ways I can’t fully describe. I have met some truly amazing women and continue to be enthralled and motivated by their stories. The impact this support system has had in my life is astounding.

Although I need to honor and further realize my personal vision for my life, I do know plenty of the vision I have for my community and the world. My vision includes peace, sustainable development, and dignity for all citizens of the world, not just because it is our right to live in peace and in developed societies, but because bringing about these things through genuine hard work and active citizenship gives us full ownership of our situations and destinies.

I want to be a Voices of Our Future Correspondent because by further empowering myself as a citizen journalist, I can use my writing to mobilize youth who have the same vision as I do, to take action to bring about the change they want to see in the world. I would like to do this especially for my region, the Horn of Africa, as it is the most conflict-ridden region in the world. I would also put extra emphasis on the importance of proliferating women empowerment and our participation in decision making process, because I truly believe that the wisdom of the feminine can and will purport peace on Earth.

I have conducted activities and forums to realize regional peace, but I have done a pretty bad job at reporting on these events and writing articles to further promote such initiatives. The main reason for this would be because I find myself totally burned out after I’ve conducted an activity. Surely I need to stop abandoning my interior life and cultivate a sacred quartet. What I could also benefit hugely from is the support of a vision mentor. Through the guidance of a vision mentor, a woman who could guide me along the journey I’ve chosen for myself, I hope to stop with my constant procrastination and to truly harness the power from within, power I know that I have but have problems with letting my voice be truly heard.

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