My Adorable Self

And freedom!

she said,

Can only buy you the utmost beauty!

You gotta earn that!

Not purchase...

It can't be bargained.

You have to earn to pay the price.

There is no displacement!

Why is this restlessness for?

Where are the insecurities coming from?

Of loosing, of lonesome,

Of heart ache and break!

Tell me your greatest fear..

Loose it!

Then only you are free

when you have nothing to lose

Nothing to gain

No more pain.

Let me repeat!

There is a whole path to walk

To reach Freedom!

You have to break

All the chains

you have came through

And be freer

As if,

When the wind touches

green trees in nature

The flow of leaves are Not to and fro

but random

The stronger the wind

The faster the movement

As if dancing

to the rhythm of freedom.

But what makes the tree

Dance with such a rhythm?

It seems stiff but look at the moves!

Freer, fearless confident and bold

The buried roots

The anchoring

Deep down the soil..

Is the art behind.

Burying is an art

Learn it

and We all must learn!

Bury all that you can

All the distractions.

Burying is not easy

I understand that

But the more we bury

The most freer we get.

In order for freedom to reveal

We got to master

the art of Detachment!

Detachments from our


Attachments Desires, fears

And bury them deep down The heart!

Isolation is when you are independent

When you rely on just yourself

Keep distance, isolate yourself

Practice pause, patience,

Be calm and pay attention.


I repeat....

You need to master the art of detachment.

Once we have mastered detachment

Our journey to self submission begins!

And that's where freedom lies.

When you have nothing to fear

Nothing to loose And nothing to gain

But yourself!

And if you can

Please don't lose self anchoring!

Your only true support

in and after life!

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