women change others fortune but cannot change her own

trying to collect such voice that had never heard. Who herself thinks God made her to work and struggle. DOES GOD EXISTS ?? If god do exists is this all god wants.

There is a woman who still remembers her days at construction centre when she was 12 years. Now she is at her 48. She starts her story. “No-one knew that girls also can study but boys used to go to school.” She used to collect money for her brother’s education. She used to collect even the Tiffin money just to make sure that her brother don’t have to be humiliated in front of others students. As she continues working her brother also passed his school. At her 20 she was married and has two children now. She is happy for her brother that he got permanent job in government office and have big house to live. Her brother got everything in the home- fridge, refrigerator, big TV and every facility to live. BUT SHE IS STILL IN THE SAME STAGE. She wakes up in the morning, cooks food for her children; feed her family and runs towards the construction center for work. Unfortunately she got illiterate and drunker husband for that she has to endure physical torture too. Definitely she changed her brothers’ fortune but never questions her fortune and accepts all because she thinks god made her to struggle. She endures all the social complains that she is not able to change her husband and family status .Seriously thinking!!! how could she change her family status if all the money she earns goes to clear the credit for the alcohol and cigarette which her husband drinks. After all mother never can see their children hungry too. She wasn’t able to educate her son and she is worried for her son’s future but good news her younger daughter manage to study. Her daughter says me in silent voice, “life never takes me to such moments that I can be happy but the most humiliating moment I feel is the time when friends don’t want to share stationeries with me just because I am the daughter of a drunker.”

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