Three Questions

Hello Everyone!

This is my first journal entry and I am writing to you all to ask for your guidance/help. Recently, I was asked in my \"Women, Activism, and Social Change\" class what I would march for. Meaning, if I was at a march and I was holding a sign, what would that sign say? Why am I there and what am I marching for?

Which brings me to my three questions. I decided on two out of three questions. One of the questions came from one of my classmates. Here they go:

1) How do you (I) define activism/social change?

2) How can I push back on my privilege?

3) What are some ways single, childless women can gain access to education? Meaning, what type of scholarships are available for single, reproductively responsible women. Or, how can they get funded for their education? (if this question does not make sense please let me know and hopefully I can re-do the whole question)

I have a good start on questions one and two, but questions number three is the one I am finding it most difficult to find.

If anyone has suggestions to where to look for resources, that would be great! :)

Thank you for reading and remember that we can all 'do hard things!'

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