A New Beginning

As the song goes on... It's a new season. It's a new day. A fresh annointing and it's coming my way. A season of power and properity, It's a new season coming to me. My prayer for the individual is allow this time to be with God. Every moment of isolated thought is to be given to him. I have never been so ready to move on spiritually and it seemed as if everything I touched in 2011 crumbled and I fell by the wasteside. the trick of the enemy makes you requestion your original motives to live for Christ. It makes you feel overlooked and underpriviledged. Oh but how blessed am I. I can testify that in time of trouble He found me. In time of hurt He comforted me. When I was lost He found me and when I was under attack He hid me. He delivered me. redeemed me. recovered me, and reblessed me with mercy. So, how can I move on to another year without my priorities being directed by Him. I say to one that He is real, ask Satan.

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