Voice for voiceless, Hope for hopeless: 3 women escape 10+ yr nightmare

"Nobody was there for me when I was missing, and I want the people to know, including the mothers, that they can have strength, they can have hope, and their child will come back," Knight said.

Michelle Knight was kidnapped and held prisoner for 11 years before she and two other young women escaped the horror of their prison. Suffering every abuse one can conjure, too horrific to put into words.

Yet Michelle chose to NOT harden her heart, or remain silent. She chose to become a voice for those stil in captivity, giving hope to all. Today she let go yellow balloons for those who remain trapped, to remind all that we must listen, and that they are heard even through their unseen prison walls.

Let this be a reminder to never give up hope of finding the lost, escaping abuse, finding freedom from enslavement. Let us never give up not just looking, but truly seeing. To not just listen but to truly hear the voices coming to us just over the sound of the wind!


Holding on to Hope,
Aka Cali gal

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