On your mark...

The long awaited day had come,
A bubbly crowd of women from different parts of the community,
Grinning from ear to ear,
The excitement was palpable.
Chuckles rent the air as the ribbon was cut,
Then the thunderous applause!
Women streamed in,pupils dilated wide,chatting excitedly about the possibilites;
Possibilities which forever had seemed like a mirage.
Their dream had been a reality in several other communities,but finally its here:
Their very own empowerment centre,a world of freedom,tailor made to wipe her every tear.
With stubborn and dogged determination,they had built this dream.
Through rain,through sunshine,their singleness of purpose kept them going.
Inspite of the threats,inspite of the opposition,the insults!
The visioneer's dream fuelled theirs,and their's,yet another's!
With high pitch voices,they begin to sing and dance...
Basking in the beauty of the occasion,so glad to be a part,I join in the dance,
Brrrrg brrrrg!! What was that sound?,opening my eyes,
I was back in my room on my bed!
Staring down at me was the tireless ceiling fan;
It was 7:30am and I was almost late for my appointment
Jumping up on my feet,I said to myself:"let's go make this dream happen"!
...Get set,go!

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