Urgent needs in Kenya - how to act

Hi Auma,

I'm so glad we were able to meet here in Nairobi and speak to women leaders today. I think this will be a good forum for us to talk about what women globally can do to support our Kenyan colleagues.

One way I learned today is that there is a lot of confusion with the current political crisis and people are sharing information but it is not being put into a central place for everyone to quickly review updates.I know there is one blog, but I think we could assist the Kenyan women to set up a system for centralizing information. It would be good to have a website, but many women do not get onto the Internet during the unstable times, when Internet cafes close.

I think creating a group of the different women leaders now to focus this conversation is one step we can take together that they feel is very important. They want their voices to get out there.

Since Internet is limited, we can also help by posting information for those women who request this. I heard that as a key request today.

So to sum up: Kenyan women want to hear from women /groups globally to condemn the violence and promote peace and a respect for democratic rule and they want to hear from groups who may have strategies to help them organize in such a chaotic situation of attacks on women, when the means of communication -- the newspaper, the internet, even the radio -- are very limited.


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