Voice of the Voiceless

‘Yaed grihe pujyate nari
Ramante tatra devata’- Hindu mythology
It implies that God would be happy in that house where women are respected well. This is what we need to implement in our lives. Nepal is multicultural, multilingual, multiethnic, independent secular state. We have strong belief in our religion and various spiritual preachings.
Yet, we are crippled by the manacles of segregation and chains of discrimination. Women are regarded merely as appendages of themselves and just created to tempt the men.
Are we?
Our culture has made women submissive, shy, introvert, fragile and always shadowed. But it has also described gallantry role of women. Her courage, patience, strength, creativity, intelligence are very much admired in our ancient mythologies. Then why our society has limited the characteristics of women.
Today, I realized how weak a woman is, how pathetic is her situation when she says nothing about all her bruises, speaks nothing about the blood that is flowing from her wounded forehead, and still she tries to convince others that she is fine and is worried about the one who made her so pathetic!! What a shit! Why doesn't she ask for help?
If both dauntlessness and demureness are well praised in the mythologies, then why our society wants us to be demure rather than dauntless at present?
Why are we compelled to act shy rather than outspoken?
But no more. I refuse to stay mute coz I want to yell. No one speaks for me. I speak for myself.
Web 2.0 is a voice of the voiceless. This can surely equip me with the arms and ammunitions to revolt against the age-old patriarchal programming, to screen my own shortcomings and march ahead.
And I am not alone. I should only lead; there will be millions behind me, together with me aspiring for the beacon of freedom and equality. This can be possible through Web 2.0.

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