21 Day Challenge Conquered

22 days ago, I set off to do a 21 day positivity challenge where I would do a minimum of a twenty minute work out and write one thing I am grateful for daily. I am pleased to announce that yesterday I completed the challenge. I worked out on days where I was spent and reflected daily on what I appreciated about in my life. I will say that I am far better off now than prior to this challenge. In a few days I will be celebrating this mini triumph with spanish tapas at my favorite Portland Ore. restaurant.

Additionally, in the beginning of this challenge I made a motivational board containing inspirational pictures of people and organizations that are paving the way in international gender development and/or empowerment. I did this so I would constantly be reminded of why I chose to pursue a career in this particular field. During my time spent volunteering with World Pulse I have been in awe by the posts I have read and the discussions I have had the opportunity to join. After attending World Pulse Live in Portland two weeks ago, I realized that I am indeed involved in the exact work that I have been dreaming to be apart of for so long. I may not be an employed part of a team but nonetheless I am part of a large team on this online community. Granted, my role is small but as a participant in this arena, it still is positively effecting my confidence. I struggled with the transition from school to finding employment. My moods fluctuated greatly during that process. I can say with certainty that I have all the faith in the world that my career journey will be strong. I am now more hopeful than ever that life will pan out exactly as it should be. I was once told that Ghandi in fact, did not coin the phrase \"Be the change you wish to see in the world.\" Regardless if that is true or not, I still find excellence in the quote. It's true, we need to create the world in which we can thrive from. I am entirely aware that my struggles are indeed 1st world problems and that women around the world face much greater obstacles to education, employment, safety, food, security, and more. I am not without humility as I evaluate my current status.

I learned from this mini-challenge that I can set and achieve goals and progress further as I continue womanhood. I share this with you because 1) I sense such a strong network of support from all of you here, and 2) perhaps I could inspire someone to set and achieve a goal or dream that they are considering. Admittedly, in the past I have not been successful in keeping with fitness or journaling goals and if I can do it, anyone can! Trust me. I wish you all well.

Much love,

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