
Hardwork builds character, contributes to success,promotes happiness.The converse is also true when people are rewarded without making effort,it reduces confidence,promotes dependency and Robs individual of their personal dignity.The fact is,why any part of the human body hasn't excercised properly,it will atrophy.

The same is true with spirit.

The bottom line is that,while work makes you a buck,it offers you so much more.

Hardwork provides a sense of purpose.People don't want a handout.They want to know that they've earned their success,which enables them to have control over their lives.

They want to wake up each morning and be excited to get out of bed.They want stimulating work that keeps them on their toes and contributes to their personal and professional growth.

This doesn't happen when folks sit on their duff or have success handed to them on silver platter.

It happens when people know that they have earned their keep.

You can achieve anything in life as long as you're willing to work hard.


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