The Dreams of Our Today.


    First and foremost, I would love to thank this community, \" The World Pulse Team\" for such a warm welcome. I look forward to working with you in any area where my help may be needed.

    For some time now, precisely since I turned sixteen, I have been looking for a way to impact my community. To be very honest, I have been feeling empty like there's a part of me that needs to be filled. I felt like I needed to be somewhere, any place where I could show the world what I stand for. As we all know this year has been a gruesome one, persons all over the world have suffered dearly for one cause or another. Many have lost their lives too, my heart goes out to those families that had to withstand such circumstances, everyday. Before I go on, I want to urge you to be more than you sisters or your brothers keeper, in these times everyone needs someone they could fall back on. Check up on your friends and families regularly, they need you now more than ever.

      As an eighteen year old Nigerian girl born and bred in Lagos. I have come to know that I now have a lot of responsibilities concerning my community and my county at large. I have also understood fully now that the dreams of our today affects our tomorrow. I have always pictured a better tomorrow, where the standard of living on average is balanced, where less children and youths are seen hawking and begging on the dusty streets of Lagos. I have never for once doubted this vision.

        A few months back, I had the opportunity of asking my local government chairman what exactly they were doing concerning some of the problems the youths were facing at that time and he provided me with some of the solutions that the government were putting into consideration to help the local community. I also collaborated with my school to donate quite a lot of school equipment to a public school that lacked most of these things and I felt honored to uplift and make life easier for the students of that school.

    You see I've realized something... \"The brighter tomorrow we see today would never be ours if we  do nothing but dream of it, we need to plan the path to achieving it, set it and believe in it TOGETHER\".. United we conquer always. To whoever needs to hear this, it is said that the sky is your limit but I say it is  your stepping stone to greatness!!! You are capable of doing more than you have ever imagined.

      Lots of love,




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