Why's that?

Why is that?why is it that it is only negative thoughts that clouds your mind?why do you think you are different as a woman?why do you think you are inferior?why do you think yourself as a liability. Why do you think disability is a hindrance to what you can achieve? Why do you think you will fail like you always have.

Hmmm,well the problem is within you. Have you ever noticed the world is incomplete without you?you have to be there for the world to move on but if you don't know this you will be trampled on. 

You,yes you,you are of essence, important, beautiful, wonderful, intelligent, happy,full of life. You have all these inept but no can search for these but you..  not until you search yourself,you won't find them and you will need them to walk this majestically as you should. If you don't find these gifts,the world won't move on. Know this and have peace✌️✌️✌️✌️

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