I Am Angry and I Am Going to Do Something About It

I am so mad at this country! Where I live the general consensus is: "At least it's over. Get over it already. Move on." But I don't see this as over, I see this as just starting. People - my husband - are already telling jokes, trying to make light of the fact that America elected the biggest fool (other than the fools that elected him) for president. I'm sick to my stomach. This is a sad day in world history.

I've been on the fence for ages, trying to figure out what my passion is, my cause. More and more I'm thinking that I CAN do something to make a change, for someone. I'm going back to school to get my PhD and towork on reform for undocumented students - students born and K-12 educated in America to undocumented parents - access to higher education. I truly believe education is the key, and that I can be a catalyst for change for the better.

If nothing good comes of this atrocity it's that it's lit a fire under me to DO SOMETHING! I hope millions of other fires were lit that election eve. There's no excuse for complacency anymore.

Thank you for letting me vent.


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