Is there really a reason why we should marry.

In our organisation, in the process of interactions and sensitisation campaings of the girl child. I discovered there are some things that we ignore but are very important. Its called marriage. Yes marriage is a good thing because firstly it was instituted by God. I really admire most married woman and those in the process of getting married.

Dear world pulse sisters let us brain storm based on this survey l carried out around my community looking at the suffering, frustration and misery most house wives are going through. I carried out a private dialogue with some of the house wives.

Mildred is 22yrs old who hales from an interior village. She got married  because her parents told her marriage is the greatest achievement a woman can ever have. It gives you a change of name and respect among your pals. She got married to someone she never even knew and today she is going through severe torture and beating.

Rose got married because all her mates in school were married and she felt inferior each time she was around them. She hurriedly found herself a man and got married to him without going through the normal procedure of blood testing or checking of HIV status. Today Rose is not a happy married woman because she has been infected with HIV and her children are sickle cell anaemic.

Azah got married to a very wealthy old man because she believes she wanted to remove her family out of poverty. Yes today her family is leaving very well, full of luxury but she is not happy. She complains of her husband not being able to satisfy her and she now moves around sleeping with young men in town.

Ayuk on her own got married to someone she was betrothed to by their customs and tradition.  This is something that was done before she was even born. It doesn't matter whether she loves the man or not. If she doesn't get married to him and get married to another person she either get mad or she dies. Ayuk today is facing serious marital crises because she is married to someone she doesn't love. There is poor level of communication and its affecting even their kids.

This and so much more is what women go through in the name of marriage. Women are in deep pain in the name of marriage. Dear sisters while l continue with my support and sensitisation of women and girls on marriage,  I need your tireless support. Both morally and physically. Together we can put away this ills plaguing our girl children. Marriage should be a blessing and should aim at making us better. Shalom

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