Humanity, for weeks now, has been experiencing what we can say has never happened before. We have been in a state of shock and anxiety regarding the high level of uncertainty about human life and existence that is taking over. No one is sure of what could happen the next moment. This level of uncertainty is creating fear which is growing to a point of despair.

I want to encourage us at this moment to pause and then look closely at what could possibly be a positive side of what is happening now. Where you place your attention is where your growth will be happening. If your attention is on the hopelessness of the situation where we are in, the ills it is bringing to your life, family, nation and the world, you will find out that the hopelessness will continue to magnify itself in your heart till you go into a state of depression.

At the same time, if your attention is on the blessing that this time is bringing to your life, your family and your community, then the power of your imagination to design something better, useful and worthy for yourself, people around you and community will continue to grow to the point that you will be enjoying peace like a river.

Why don’t you at this moment pause, and ask yourself;” What can I learn from this situation? What can I use this time of Lockdown to achieve? How can I benefit humanity at this time? What will be my story when this end?”

As I sat down and bad news were coming from right, left and center; some that are true and many that are fake, I thought about my trip to the USA that was cut short and I had to run back home without achieving all that I had set out to achieve during the trip. I was hit by the hopelessness of when is this going to end! At a point as a life coach, the thought just occurred to me and said, “Busayo, you can decide to continue to think about your situation till eternity, it doesn’t change the fact that this is already happening and there is nothing you can do about it. If I were you, I will be grateful that I am alive and use my strength at this time to think about making good use of this time.”

Immediately my attention shifted to seeing the positive side of this situation, my imagination began to run wild and my growth began to happen. I decided immediately that I have to start exercising my body to keep my heart and body fit and I set a goal of walking 3km per day round my house which I have been doing consistently since then.

I decided immediately that I am going to ignore most of the news circulating on the social media and that I am going to use that time to read four chapters of my Bible every day, pray at least 2 hours per day including prayers consistently at midnight.

I started thinking of how I could help the very poor, the homeless that have no home upon their heads at this time not to talk of somebody to cook for them. I started thinking in the direction of what I can do alleviate the suffering of these ones. I was able with the help of some friends distribute food relief to 120 homes. 

I went online immediately to look for online courses that are free that I could do so that I will engage myself positively instead of thinking of what is going around me. I then focus my energy on getting more knowledge and certificates by the time this is over. I can go on and on as many wonderful things have been coming to my mind as I change my focus from hopelessness to blessings of this time.

You can also do the same and you will see that at the end of this time you will come out better and stronger. PLEASE STAY AT HOME AND STAY SAFE! I CARE FOR YOU!!

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