For Women.

Women are different from men!

Women in groups can offer each other such a wealth of emotional support, physical support,laughter ,joy and happiness, peace and warmth 

There are some aspects of our being that we can't or don't want to share with men,and this is quite right and natural..

So go out and find a class in aerobics,yoga,pottery ,line dancing,massage, aromatherapy or join book reading group or something that appeals to you for the benefit of the mutual support you will find. There are a lot of women attending all sorts of classes - go and find a group for yourself .

Women can empower themselves in relationship with other women..

Women never forget that you are unique, original , special, fabulous, amazing, fantastic, sufficiently worthy ,happy and talented . I love women I hate to see any woman suffer - Please if you see a woman suffering, help lift her up and give her hope that with time everything will be fine.Shout out to every super women in here .You all are special and amazing. Together we can .One love keep us together .Gracias.

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