Single mother,single heart,multiple strength

I am a single mother,not by choice,nor by mistake but because circumstances made me! I received a call from a friend I haven't seen in close to 15 years,her story made me forget mine briefly but since once bitten twice shy,my brain wouldn't let me forget for long. I will speak from a single mothers point because that is what I identify with more,I have nothing against single dads,hats off to them too! In our single hood,we have had our high goods and low bads(if there's anything like that) Having to take up every responsibility there is over sometimes newborns,toddlers, terrible twos,teenagers all by oneself, is one task that happens because Gods grace has been sufficient. While I sat listening to my friend I couldn't help thinking how God works,He causes us to walk some paths so that one day at His appointed time He can use us to encourage and wipe someone's tears. I know how it feels to move with children without a knowing where you are going to!without a coin,without a job,without a stable mind. I know how it feels to not be able to stop tears just releasing themselves anywhere anytime! I know how it feels to go to church hoping to get consolation and finding none!Choosing to rather drink if only to soak yourself and forget and sobering up hours later and finding joy never came in the morning! The saddest part is when your significant other decides not to offer any support, even to his blood!The bible says in 1Tim5:8 if anyone does not provide for his relatives especially those immediate is worse than a non believer! It does not matter what led you to single hood,divorce,separation, death of a spouse,rejection from in laws,fat body after delivery,low sex libido,nagging ,whatever reason that was placed before you!!!!! It brought me to tears that those childrens lives will change drastically, the mother has no source of income for now,but her faith in God was amazing. As I write in support of single mothers I want us to relate to the story of Hagar,Gods faithfulness to single mothers is evident in Genesis 21:14.Hagar raised her son without Abraham's provision and protection.Just like some of us she was betrayed and then rejected but then God heard her cry and stepped in. We are because He is,how about taking another daring step of allowing God to step in for us?to provide, to protect,being single does not mean you will never find love,God is still writing your story! When overwhelmed, read Isa.40:31 When tired;mathew11:28 When lonely;Isa 54:10 When money is an issue;Phil 4:19 When in need of advice proverbs 3:5-6 And the Lord who knew us even before we were formed in our mothers wombs will surely take over,just like he did for Hagar.

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