Introducing myself and my journal: CirclesWork

About Me:
Greetings, my sisters, near and far!
Nothing excites me more than a circle of women voicing their aliveness and power. That’s why I’m here! I’ve been in circles for over 30 years, and my circle sisters make all the difference, helping each other be our best. In 2006 I realized this is my dream: to help start and connect women in circles all over the globe. We can change the world, affirming life and solving problems with cooperation, trust, and wisdom.
My sisters and I in CirclesWork! have developed a straightforward group process and structure that allows groups to quickly get down to what ignites our common purpose. Using tools for shared leadership, check in for full inclusion, egalitarian time-sharing, clearing the air to stay fresh and present with one another, and voicing appreciations to recognize and build the abundance in the group, we co-create healthy circles that are sustainable and resilient.

My Passions:
Circles, empowered women, nurturing the 7th generation

My Challenges:
Getting the word out, and connecting circles through the internet

My Vision for the Future:
We women will take our power and lead the way to a healthy, sustainable life on Mother Earth

My Areas of Expertise:
psychologist, team builder and circles convenor

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