We need to feel connected

I want to scream out from my little life here within the country that has elected a hatefilled and ignorant man. I want to tell the world not to give up on us. Don't despair. We need you. We need you. We need your voice, your heart, your strength, your movement. I am sorry. I am sorry that we couldn't or didn't stop him. I am sorry that I had to look into my child's tear-filled eyes this morning with no good explanation. How could it be? How can there be so much hate and fear? I don't understand it. We need your help. We need to feel connected to you. Don't write us off. We are still here, trying to grow up and be what the world deserves. There is a lot of good here, but we need your help. Please hold our hand as we stand up for what is right. To push back this tidal wave of hate and ignorance, we all need to circle around. Tell us what we can do. Show us what you do to foster acceptance and diversity. And know that there are so many of us that are listening, hoping, working, loving, giving. Our voice just got drowned out for a bit, right? We are not done.

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