Resistance the Wall against Change

For me the barriers that I experience in my community are mainly resistance. Some people and in this case the majority are resistant to any change or anything new.People get into thier confort zone and dont want to have anything affect that.
I know myself rarely but true I have been resistant to some change and for me it was the world of technology I had first been resistant too. I now have become more flexable in my thinking on that topic and have learned how to use computers and other items in this field.
In my community people are doing the same but not with so much technology but with ideas and thinking and possiblities.
The community is entrenched with ideas of controlling things which creates a wall that sets people apart. I would compare it to a dental appointment, where any of us would dread the change which we deem painful, but after the appointment we find relief and it was a welcome thing, most of what we fear is in the actual ideas we create about the situation and proves to be untrue once we actually get to that moment. Anticipation of things is half the battle when it comes to fearing or resisting anything.
The resistance comes in many forms, refusal to admit the need for something to change a state of denial. Then convincing others of the same mindset to validate your position. The wall goes up one brick at a time and then change is blocked .
I have found less or no resistance to others outside my community and thiss has always been a welcome surprise. Change is inevietable and at times people see it as a negative since we believe tried and true works all the time. I know that in the world some changes have had that affect on me when I see things going to fast and I remember a day when things were slower and the way people live may have been more desirable. I have met people a lot older than me who see the world as something foreign and all that was familair gone. How will I feel if 10 years from now or so all I knew had changed and I felt like a stranger everywhere I went because there was nothing familair or anything that was apart of the life I had lived.
This is where resistance can affect any one of us, but some changes are more than desireable by people and good for us the the world community we all share. I feel the changes of our thinking and the ideas that are creative to better the world and support our communities and the world community are what need to be implemented.
The challenge is resistance.
With worldpulse the opportunity for empowerment is there and the collective thinking of the members and others is not only supportive but very empowering. I get ideas and feedback that assist me in what I face in my community but also lets me know how I can help others. This is a very benificial tool for change and for me and one I cherish and look forward to as it is now a change for me and I can inform others who will be influenced on the worldpulse site and introduce people to the site that may help change in thier lives as well . Thank You

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