WP. Spirit Award Goes Tamarack Verrall

                                   My Nomination Goes Tam Verrall Spirit Award.


Tam has played a key role in working for GBV and human rights activities since the 1960s. Mama Tam is a very popular educator for girls and women in her hometown and abroad. It also plays a major role in Wp. with Storyteller, Mentor, and Encourager.

Also, since Tam is a person with a long experience of resolving disputes and advocating for peace, I have learned to be kind and considerate of the Wp. community. We can consult with any professional or counseling led by WP women, or we can say that she is the mother of this digital WP. platform.

She is a role model, and I appreciate Tam for her good work.

My Nomination Goes Tam Verrall Spirit Award.https://www.worldpulse.com/flag/unflag/wp_user_follow/21449?destination=...

susu Mohamed.

Spirit Awards
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