Life Skills very Important - A Real Life Experience

when my sister finished 12th grade or high school. she decided to get married she eloped. My mother send people to bring her a day after she learnt where Doreen had married herself off. the man was well to do but illiterate dealing in boarder smuggling and with some wealth,. so being the child Doreen was she followed money. my mother couldn't stand it she send a team and they brought her back. she went back mother this time went in person and brought her back. she was taken back to school and now she is a dentist, self sustaining and respected woman in society.

She lacked the life skills especially critical thinking and analysis skills to make he right decisions for her life. it took a strong mother but many a time many women let it pass. How many of us can be like my mother if a child elopes they follow and bring back their children. Many parents see is as good riddance and a save of family income since the child will have no more claims on family assets and property.

My other sister Glory, when still in primary decided she was not going to school any more. My mother held her by the arm with lashes for a distance of 2 km and asked her to return to school. Glory had seen other village girls stop school and thought she could do the same. On her graduation she held her gown and said it belonged to mother as she realized had not it been for the beating that morning she would never have been an accomplished lawyer a governmental state attorney highly respected and an example to girls and women in society.

She lacked the life skills education and participatory decision making at that age was shallow. it took her empowered mother to open her eyes.

This experience has helped me with my own children who at one time want to drop out and i insist they move on, not with lashes but we talk about it and they see reason. and it helps me to keep stable and say all is well even in the deepest waters i still float.

Are we as strong as my mother in ensuring girls and women stick to education and have a secure future. its your duty to sustain the loop, no drop out!!!!!!!!

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