My Assets Map

My Hopes & Dreams

To see women treated as important as men world wide.


For the World to Recognize that Women add as much diversity to the world as do men from cross ethnic boundries.

What am I proud of?

What I have accomplished and that I am proud from what I have learned that I have become:

1 - To lead with a Team Approach (we all succeed or fail together):

Analytic approach that make clear what is needed to do - set clear strategies and goals helps the people to trust and execute

Keep the responsibility with decisions and adjust accordingly for unseen issues.

Keep calm in stressful situations this helps everyone in doing with task under pressure giving to everyone the feeling the situation is under control

Lead by relationships and example:

It is easier to gain alignment and cooperation with people at all levels when you have everyone involved.

Easy to speak with and open door policy so people see me as available and support

2 - Lead by example:

Not ask others to do things I would not do myself

Delegate and hold ourselves and team accountable to the tasks assigned and to ensure we have a common goal of increasing knowledge and productivity crossing female/male boundries

3 - Find my path in the local and global community and to ensure that we can make a difference locally and world wide. I have resources all around the world from my previous job to engage strong women that will help drive growth and leadership forward. I have already engaged many of these women and they just need a path to go down to start their journey - starting with Global Interations many have decided to join and I have also spoken to them about World Pulse - I hope they also join here as well.

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