Beginning the Ultimate Journey

I feel like I have been waiting for this moment for a lifetime. Far before I even knew that it was possible to create a tool such as this. A tool where women worldwide have the ability to speak for ourselves - to each other and to the world - instantly. And now that we are on the footpath of the journey . . . now that our first release of PulseWire is here, brought to life by hundreds and hundreds of passionate, caring people . . . It is hard to believe. It is terrifying and thrilling.

Every since I was a little girl, buried in folktale picture books from Russia and Africa, running with muddy feet in corn fields, arms spread wide open, I’ve been wondering . . . “What if . . . ??” What if we could experience a world created through the leadership of women and girls? What would it look like, taste like? This is a burning curiosity of my soul. I think I was born with it, and it never rests.

A small community is beginning now on PulseWire. And you are a part of it. Welcome to our humble, earnest beginnings building up to an Ultimate Vision. This is a vision that we are creating together.

I can see:

Dictatorships crumbling.
Economies transformed.
Safe, beautiful places for women and families everywhere.
Ecosystems restored
. . . and so much more that will be revealed as we vision together.

Today our voices, networks and organizations are the tiny trickle of what, I believe in time, can join to become a force like the thundering Iguazu Falls of Brazil. Like a plume of steam fortelling a blast like the great Mauna Loa Volcano of Hawaii. A sizzling, nourishing Pulse that wraps and Wires the earth with new possibilities.

The site you see now represents one newborn idea of how we can connect to transform the world. This site is being created by a small team of people from our media organization, World Pulse,working our hearts out to make it happen. But, we’ve been feeling fumbling building PulseWire, because you hadn’t arrived yet to help.

Think of PulseWire as a giant sandbox with ears. You can play around, shout, sing – add your voice. And, let us know exactly what you think about your experience.

What do you wish for on your PulseWire Journey?

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