Rebel With a Cause. A COVID-19 Story.

I know some of you may not approve of what I did today, but I’ll tell you why I did it.

Today, I had just done my usual workout, and it was finally nice, warm, and sunny out, after several weeks of being mostly cold and rainy. I looked outside and thought, yep, I want to take my usual walk which I haven’t taken in about a month now. It’s a ring of about 20 minutes that goes around the outskirts of our village, in a remote, mountainous area in Andalusia.

Now, I know what some of your are thinking, and before you disapprove or tell me that I’m endangering myself and others, please hear me out. We’ve been on lockdown for just over a month now. What drives me crazy, and has driven me crazy, since this all started is the lack of free will and freedom that has been unwittingly imposed on me. Yes, you can say it’s for everyone’s safety and we’re safer inside, and not posing threats to others. I get all that, but what isn’t being addressed, as far as I can tell, is how easy it was to get everyone to conform to this expectation, globally, of being expected to stay at home. We all easily obeyed orders to stay inside and only to go out if absolutely necessary, getting swept away by the mass panic of this pandemic.

But, how many of you have looked at the stats? Have you noticed how small this pandemic is comparison to other global epidemics? I’m not saying it’s not real, valid, important, or a calamity. I’m saying, just think for a moment. Have we all been duped? Is it a test to see what politicians, governments and the like can do with all of us, if they wanted to? This really concerns me and also really triggers my fundamental need for freedom, because if we don’t have freedom, what do we have? So many people have fought for freedom over the years, and yet did anyone fight this time? Is it really taken away that easily just by the media, and perhaps by the governing bodies that control the media, putting us all in a state of fear?

Personally, if my freedom were taken away from me, I mean seriously threatened, and this virus is definitely a cause for concern for me, I would just decide to come back in another life that is more just, free, equal and balanced. It’s not worth it to me to be “living,” if I don’t have dominion over my body, what happens to my body, and/or freedom of movement (within reason), and that includes any mandatory vaccinations, chips, or any other thing that could be forced upon me under the guise of being for my “highest good, health, and well being” imposing on my free will. This is my decision, and no one else’s. I know this is a super hot topic, and this is my opinion, but I still firmly believe that it’s my fundamental right and my decision to make.

I’m sure that one could argue that the governmental bodies have our best interests at heart, but how does we know this, and how much deliberation actually went into these decisions. I know they had to think quickly, and for the most part, I agree that people had to be quarantined due the rapid threat that the virus caused everywhere, however, who did they consult with? Are they thinking about long term implications by continuing to impose nationwide restrictions on everyone, whether they’re affected or not? Are they thinking about how the restrictions are affecting women and children? Do they care? Are they thinking about how the bleach solution that they’re recommending, or perhaps even requiring, of all municipalities to spray everywhere, is affecting animals (that are dying), essential insects, plants, and even people?

Okay. I think I’ve divulged enough of my deep thoughts for one day for everyone to ponder over. Oh! One more thing, though. Please don’t tell me to stay at home. It’s another trigger for me, being told what to do. I feel like some people have my best interests at heart when they say this, but I feel like the majority of people are just saying it because they feel they should, they’re more concerned about their own welfare, or because they think it’s the right thing to say. If someone tells me to do something, you can bet I’ll be thinking about, or doing, the opposite. That’s just how I roll:-)

Thanks so much for reading. Hugs to everyone during this challenging time. We’ll get through it all, and we’ll emerge stronger, more enlightened than ever before.

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