Crippling sensations They Creep into me
My thoughts they do bring them hits the physical you see
I gasp at acute aches that come pass through take up Home
It's crippling sensations I just want to moan

My pictures do make them they create false scenery
It's a trigger that starts them from a past misery
It can be a word a look a glimpse n more that starts off these strains
My crippling sensations take the wind out of me

It hits like a bullet heart pumps I can't breath
It's got me before I can say GO don't come here leave
The shock of it Hits hard Then I no longer see straight
These crippling sensations take over like a trait

I catch these and look now to see what I can do
So I can Track back to the core and break the pressure of this stew
It's usually a shock moment from a past shock Display
One I did not ask for yet I got It that day

It changes my perspective Blinds me of the said truth
These Crippling sensations Did Rule in My youth
Oh Crippling sensations wot gift do you bare
Please Break this said Curse Into a challenge I can share

Oh Crippling sensations I carried you for so Long
Will you let go of my Body So I can Now become Strong
I have paid all my dues just By Continuing with you
So Please you can let Go Now and let Divine Love come through

Please Crippling sensations Please help me to see
It's just my reactions to things I don't need
So Crippling sensations though you feel you belong
Please let go inside so I can today become more strong

Dear crippling Sensations I thank you for your trails
But For now I am Over you It's time to relax hold the middle rail
I see so so much now from attuning to you
So Trust me now oh Inner friend foe I believe in me Too

I'm unwinding now to the core Of you and relieving from the past
Sweet crippling sensations there's a gift that is so vast
I can breath through you now allow to miss the physical Blow
So I can Grow a little more in Light and now share what I know

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