My goals of the votes of our future

I am allowed the opportunity to work in the field of journalism at his side, my study of the media, the work of the women in our society of Egypt be in order to get money to help by her family or to achieve the same or just for the love of the work turn to work, even if without Ojrvataml in civil society organizations, charitable activities and others.

Although it is women who count many families in Egypt and got some of their rights, but it violates the malate Ansnetha so far from beaten, insulted and the marginalization of her mind.

And I can not imagine my life without work, whether paid or volunteer because, I like to work and I liked the idea of ​​delivering voice and ideas of people who do not Istton that they do or do not have the opportunity came up like me.

Feeling great when you feel that you helped someone in a very simple which is by originally his voice to the people and his problems because we live in one community, I see that in Egypt there are many customs,ideas of error that must be changed , discussed all this with you and the transfer of voice and the voice of others come in. change through discussion about the problems and propose practical solutions together.

My goal is to change if the concept of a single error when someone on the customs and traditions and bad ideas, I want human life to everyone, the voices of our future, help me and encourage me to move forward and discuss various issues and present the different cultures that make me more flexible you are, such as fuel the engine of my energy.

I thank the voices of our future, it allowed me this opportunity!

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