I went on an incredible spiritual journey...sometimes we need to work on our spiritual health

I am back from an incredible Spiritual Journey started on the 5th of August with my church. I had done a 3 days fast on the first three days of the month as I committed to be doing since year start, and was praying for the Grace to do the #5weeks5days fast called too.

I even asked God how I could make the fast personal you know, because the program was for Church growth, and so I decided I would love some spiritual growth too. I got directives from my spirit, and I set out to implement them. One of them was that I avoid social media to the barest minimum, which I find tough to do just like last year when I embarked on a 70 days journey. But, it was worth it.

Hmm, it wasn't for the faint of heart. We had early morning prayers in church at 6am and in the evening at 6.30 pm. I tried my best, but eventually gave up on the morning prayers, and went for evening prayers as much as I could. The journey was more than about following the norm.

So, what was this journey all about ? Last year's was revealed to me as one of 'enlightenment and purification'; and this year's which I got two days ago lol, was one of "Confirmation, Transformation and Preparation". Uhu that 's what it was all about for real. I felt the confirmation I was on the right Spiritual track and I was tapping into the right energy and vibrations - and for that I was so grateful. The Transformation which I welcomed so gladly, was one of enabling me see the world and all of us as wonderful creations of the universe -God, whoever or however anyone calls Him/She. I felt so free to get this shift formalized sort of, it's been in my heart for a couple of years now, and I was so happy to see why I really need a 360° transformation of perceptions. I read all sorts of books and listened to audios from different spiritual teachers both gone and still here, oh my so so much transformation.

Preparation is the big one now. Preparing to start a series of symposia in November, then to start designing my project to open a House of Hope and Healing to be founded on Christian precepts but open to everyone of course. I already receive people in my home and make no distinction based on faith or religion or no religion etc etc, I just wish love and peace was all we had in the world.


Be encouraged and strengthened; be inspired and motivated everyone.

P.S. Oh my I did miss blogging and writing more than I even missed food hahahaha. Glad to be back

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