From Inspiration to Implementation, Ibassa will be remebered in Douala O

I am so so so excited today, I don't know if sister Tosin knew when she gave me those 5 TTTT exercise books that she was inspiring me to start 3 projects for my association less than 2 weeks after I return to my city. 

I wrote about some core lessons I was taking away from that once in a life time trip to the Star of Hope Transformation Center in Lagos Nigeria here, but I didn't tell it all. Am someone who likes to say it loud after I have done it, believing in the adage that actions speak louder than words. Or at the least talk about it as you are on it (well it could be before but when you are so sure you will be getting on it hahahaha)

And when it comes to working with people who have been abused and battered like I once was, I want to do it from the heart and in a sustainable way. I for example don't like to be given fish all the time, I prefer to be given a canoe and and a net (well a shipping boat will be better hahaha)

So, I took it all in at Ibassa, seeing how noodles were shared to the girls at the transformation center after the day's on Saturday  (SWOT) activities and how that made a whole difference (the smiles on their faces , one of assurance of a next time we will sure come again); how food was packaged and given out to women so that entire families and maybe neighbours could be fed be it for a fortnight while they figured out what they could do to generate some income from whatever petty trade activity they were doing; how some mamas at the center took care of the animals in the barn and a chicken was sold off in my presence and mama was so happy (that is the sustainability am looking at); how the dung from the cows served as food for the chicks and manure for the farm; oh I soaked it all in and wrote down furiously on my phone.

So, when she gave me those exercise books on the day I was leaving, I told myself two years and you invite her to come look at what you did with those exercise books.  

Two of them I would love to keep for personal projects I don't yet know precisely, but I may still use them all up at our own center - we are not stopping running one from my home or our small cozy office because I have that firm conviction if I continue to work this hard Ibassa Nigeria fashion in all its glamour will be seen and remembered in Douala Cameroon.

And this to me is the power of sisterhood, one where the other is inspired to implement all they feel, see, say and do in their own corner of the planet. 

I would definitely always talk of Ibassa whenever the history of H4AB is brought up. When I wrote the poem Hopeless to Hopeful in 2017, I didn't know a year later it wouldn't only be about hope for myself, but for as many abused and battered as I can reach out to, or better still inspire many to do same.

And to know those three projects in detail and how you can support us, please watch the less than 4 mins video attached. the projects are all about hope; a hope fund, a hope food barn, and a hope shop.

Thank you Ibassa, thank you big sister of mine Olutosin Oladosu, thank you World Pulse

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