For you, Sisters

For you, Sisters,

For you, Brave Ones

For you, Shy Ones

For you, Doubtful Ones

For you, Scared Ones

For you who question

For you, Unsafe Ones

For you who crawl with unsafety

For you who cannot yet trust

For you who feel unworthy

For you, Lost Ones


Cringing on your own

More than ever as you crawl, howl and agonize in meeting your fragmented selves

May you hear that this is not a walk to happen in solo


There will be days when you will be overtaken, overwhelmed with the depth of that which will show up to you and for you

There will be days when you will wonder whether there is an end to the intensity being experienced

There will be days when you will sit in the eye of the storm, utter silence

There will be dead days

There will be birthing days

There will be nuanced days


However your days, may you dare to risk to reach out

May you dare to tend your hands and arms wide open

Through this risking, someone or something will show up


Shame has to be brought to light

Shame has to be met face to face, heart to heart

Shame of what you feel, experience, think, see and believe


Through, within and in this meeting of Shame, you will be met in grace and glory


Walking the path of re-claiming one’s authentic self is not a solo journey

This walk of safety finds it’s roots within the safety nest of a community of women and men

We cannot regulate on our own unless we spend enough time in the safe company of fellows

We cannot move back to our grounded center unless we spend enough time in the safe company of fellows

Our bodies cannot feel safe on their own unless we open and receive and give from a space of safety through, with, and within other bodies

This is the beauty of being born human

We are innately wired up to soothe, to love, to give, to receive, to peace, to pace, to mate, to grace each other


As you cringe, wiggle, crawl, agonize, cry, doubt, whoosh , may you dare reach out and allow yourself to be seen, to be witnessed, to held, to embraced, to felt and to heard in all your glory

There is glory in your aching

There is grace in your vulnerability

You are paving a path

You are the epitome of “that which” has been on the wait to be met, held, embraced, seen, felt, heard and kissed

You are “that which” is ripe, ready and willing to be met, held embraced, seen, felt, heard and kissed


I kiss you

I hold you

I hug you

I love you


Love from my heart to yours

Love from my body to yours

Love from my nervous system to yours


#MeghaVenketasamy #Coach #CircleFacilitator

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