Plan but Practice SURRENDERING

2017, I feel you are still shying your way through our lives. Yet are you aware that we are ready with goals/plans/objectives/visions for you? So 2017, you better come well armored and supported by your past peers for we need you to sort things; to align that which we need to that which we seek; to bring us those things we have been asking for and to be a Super Duper Mega Awesome Year for Once.

So unlike previous years, 2017 your task is no ordinary one! Will you live to our expectations and manifest all that we are asking for?

A new year has just stepped in and I know we are many with set objectives and visions for coming months and years. All this is perfect, all this is just what we need to do – by setting those objectives, we are in truth giving ourselves the space, time and most importantly we are allowing ourselves to dream.

So I hope and trust we have dared to dream big this while.

But there is a huge trick to all – not matter how hard we dream, no matter how precise these set objectives are – some of them may never happen, some of them may never materialize and worst we may find ourselves on a completely differently route as we near the end of 2017.

A huge message that 2016 taught me “Darling, not because you knew what you wanted meant that it will be brought to you; not because you were convinced that it was part of your path meant you will end up there ; not because you invested your energy there meant you would birth it.”

Now that seems very depressing and even devilish as lesson.

So what’s the deal?

Surrender – let go of your plans. This can sound and feel very conflicting and I am sure some of my coaching clients will freak out if they read these words. “Am I telling you to plan and forget about the plans and do something else?”

Not at all, I am still saying plan and vision but surrender once you know exactly that which you are seeking.

Surrendering in this context starts with:

STEP 1: Knowing what you want and once you are clear on this,

STEP 2: Let go of it and not to over-focus, not to over-fantasize, not to over-dream. For any of these will cause space constriction and constipation- no room for flexibility and changes and out-of-flow.

STEP 3: The final step involves investing in your day to day by just being present.

Simply said, surrendering is an act of planting a seed in the earth and then you water it as when needed, you feed it as and when needed – but you never operate in excess for any seed over-watered or over-fed shall either remain unborn or die prematurely or born as uncontrollable monster. And most importantly, once a seed is planted, you shall not even think of the possibility of unearthing it to see what is happening deep within – this is what we will call as an act of interruption causing disruption and leading to severe damages to the seed.

Surrendering calls for letting go of the need to control but it does not mean that your objectives are not important. Surrendering means you stand in acknowledgement that things will come as they come but now is the time to invest in making things happen “come what may come”.

One of my favorite teachers Shams Tabrizi said “Surrendering is not a weakness. Onthe contrary it is strength. The surrender stops living in boiling water and starts living in a secure place.”

Surrendering is an act of strength for the Surrender knows that regardless of his/her plans, Life will realign itself to push him/her close to his/her true path.

I have seen many pained and I have myself pained over unmet plans, un-manifested objectives despite the invested energy and time.

The real lesson is “regardless of what you believe to be good for you and for your path, call it Life/God/Goddess/Energy/Divine has ways to realign and make things happen beyond that which you planned for.” There are times when standing in acceptance of that which happened can be a very painful experience for our minds are still stuck on the plans.

But there is one thing I know for certain Life/God/Goddess/Energy/Divine realigns itself in such a way that you grow up magnificently.

May 2017 be that trigger we need to learn to surrender to Life/God/Goddess/Energy/Divine’s higher plans for us and let’s not block the path with our own plans.

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