*MY FIRST LOVE* Growing up was fun you know. Those of you in love will understand the joy you feel when u fall in love especially for the first time. This is a real life story (lol). I was 9 years old when I actually fell in love for the first time. I mean real love. Oh look at them in their minds, they are saying "Ah how can a kid of 9 fall in love? Oh bad child." Anyways let me burst your bubbles and tell you the name of this guy who made me fall in love desperately. I have been in love a couple of times but I bet you this first love  was so real. It was quite ecstatic, natural and awesome. We were too faithful to each other and everyone with a right thinking mind could tell because we were so inseparable. We went to school hand in hand. Went to church at close range and were seen at every public event together. To the envy of every other guy who liked my baby curves and chubby legs. I have always had healthy legs even now oh. But as a 9years old baby in primary 5 the legs were quite healthy and oh enough of those self praises and back to my first LOVE. This love of mine were my first real pair of shoes (My blue shoes) As a kid I never had much. Walking on bare feet was so trendy. We walked bare feeted to school, church etc. I wasn't alone so it never really mattered. And no one could laugh at me because only the D.O's( divisional officers) kids and a few high class workers. whose kids had classic sandals. My legs had to go bare feet to school because our broke parents could only afford bathing slippers for us or white canvas shoes for 2500frs during 11th February celebrations (So who dares destroy the white canvas on an ordinary day when the next will be bought only one year after).  So my real first live came  when my elder brother had just graduated from the university and was employed by PAMOL PLANTATIONS. LTD  As generous as he was, he sent his friend to Mundemba to come and ask our shoe sizes so he could buy us shoes from the then booming Kumba Market. Big bro sorry for your embarrassment, we had never had shoes so we didn't know about shoe sizes. We had to use broomsticks with the help of our mother to measure the feet which was sent to him. But like a considerate big brother, he painstakenly took those broomsticks to the market and bought us shoes. My first Love actually arrived by boat through Ndian River and was duelly delivered to us by a Pamol erand boy whose principal job for the day was to deliver our shoes. Hmm guess what... My first love was received with passion and the feeling was quite ecstatic . The next day, I was the first in school and all my friends and teachers had to notice my shoes because  they were blue pumps. My first love and I became so inseparable. We went everywhere together. Our love was so unique and I have never felt such ecstasy in my life even during mature relationships. I still appreciate you my blue shoes and sometimes regret having delivered you due to time and age but I will keep appreciating you because you paved way for others  . like a true lover. YOURS SINCERE LOVER NOEL *I MISS YOU SCATTER*❤

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