Calling all change agents

Be still my beating heart,
I will share my message, I will reveal the pain, the guts and also the glory.
I will share the bit that makes no sense,
the bits that scream to stay on the inside,
the bits that make me want to run and hide.

I will share message everyday becasue that is the only way.
I tried living in the dark, it is simply not sustainable.
I tried to be a good girl,
a polite girl.

 But it's not not me. I am the one that needs to be scream, the one that needs to be seen. I am one that makes a fool out of myself all on my own. I am the one that cannot hold the truth back.
And truth be told, I like it most of the time.
And truth be told, you like it most of the time.
And truth be told sometimes it makes me cringe.
Truth be told sometimes you think wfaf?

All of it is true and none of it matters.
I don't share this message because I KNOW it will fire something up in you, click in a secret that has been missing for you all along.
I don't share this message because it sounds EDGING or cool (because lord knows it does not), I share it because it insists on coming out.

You see some of us messengers.
And most of us bardartise those messages.
It is simple really, we feel embarrased, we want to be perfect, we want to say edgy, cool, sophistocated, professional.

But you see when we hide our real message, when we go back and read it again and tone it down, correct the spelling, word it a better...
The message dies.

Just as every baby is born as it should be, so are your messages.
Just as everything unfolds in your life just as it should, so do yur messages.

Today I stand up for YOUR messages, they want, ney, they MUST be heard.
What are you not sharing?
What are you hiding?
What are you keeping inside

I am not judging, I hid my messages for the LIONGEST damn time and they nearly killed me, they are meant to be out there flying around. I spend years trying change who I was because all my life I heard that the way I was, was simply not acceptable. "tone it down" "be nice" "who the f says that?"

But once I simply could not carry on squashing my true self anymore, things got so much easier. I distinctly remember how hard my business was to grow when I was sharing STUFF I thought people needed/wanted to hear. And it was not until I ripped off all the fake arsey, all the 'professionalism' and stopped following others, that I was really able to HEAR what MY MESSAGES actually even were.

And now that I committ to the message, boy they come loud and CLEAR. And if I don't let them out, I feel antsy, depressed, slow, like I wanna burn it all down. And it is the first thing I do everyday, it is the one thing that I will never skip!
And my guess is darling that you are a messenger too.

You are here to CHANGE THE WORLD.

The same fake ass messages that everyone else uses ARE NOT going to change the world.
In order to change we need to do something different.
In order to do something different, we need to be shown something we don't know, I mean maybe we KNOW know, like deep in our souls, but something magical happens when you reveal the blood and guts of your real story to the world, it kinda wakes your peeps up, it starts a little fire in there soul!

Now that fire might start out real small, but it is the starting that is important.

Even though I technically no longer need to work, I will never ever stop. I can't stop. This is my purpose.
What is your purpose?
What is your fire?
What is your message?

And whatta gonna do about huh?
There is gauntlet, laid at your feet.
Can you feel your heart beating faster?
Can you feel the blood pumping?

What are you really here to facilitate?
What is your role?

Now don't go trying to mix it all up and screw it all around and make it all damn complicated, your message is your message.
Your message is your art - don't go fucking with it.

Let it out the way it is!
Doesn't matter if it has nothing to do with your current business, just START sharing and see where it all takes you.

Together, we shall rise.

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