You are trying to change the wrong thing

You and I both know that you are here to do great things in the world. Your constant driving for success, for betterment, your struggle with yourself, your 'inner demons' to become an even better person, you are doing that because you want to morph into the TRULY best version of your self, the one who is whole perfect and complete. 


And THEN you will be good enough to participate right? 

THEN all the clients will come? 

THEN you will be the desirable woman,

THEN you will have all the success you crave, 

THEN everyone will love you, 

THEN you will feel peace, 

THEN you will be able to do good in the world?


But I want you to hear this today, and to really take this hearing, take this knowing, take this feeling deep into your soul.



You are more than enough.

You are perfect, whole, and complete.


And those things you are trying so hard to change, they are your gifts. I wish that I could download all my struggles (and trust me there are hundreds) and the valuable messages that I learned so that I could save you not only the pain but the decades that I wasted thinking that I was not good enough, that I was not worthy, that I had to 'fix' myself before I would be truly worthy, that I had to conform to what society expected of me.  Except that the struggles that you have internally are building your resolve, no matter how painful they feel, they are shaping the you that WILL change the world - and I would not want to deprive you of that learning.


But you see, it does not matter one flying monkey what society wants us to be, because society NEEDS us to be us. I am not here to be sugar and spice and all things nice, my path is to shake that shiz up, get people thinking, shove up against the status quo and affect change, and I just KNOW that if you are reading this that you are being called to lead as well, to show up in an even bigger and bolder way. And to fulfill our roles, our determination, our big brass ovaries, and our unwavering faith and bravery (yes the very things that society hates about us) are the gifts that will allow us to do what the world needs in order to up-level. 

Yet here you are, trying to up-level, trying to be the best version of you, when you are already the best version of you.


Right now, you are perfect.But you sign up for the next great thing, download that freebie, take on board feedback, swipe those templates, instead of just trusting that YOU are the key you have been searching for. It brings me to tears a lot of days, seeing you struggle, seeing you deny how perfect and complete you already are, because I know that place, I know it well.And I want to shine, I want you to love with all your heart, I want you to love YOU. The best, the very best use of your time is to learn to love you. right now.


Drop the striving.

Drop the hustle.

And live in flow.


Sounds easy right? Well it's not, you know I won't pretty things up for you, that is not my purpose here. But what I will tell you is this... When you finally stop seeking answers outside of you, when you get to the point of \"I HAVE HAD ENOUGH\". When you throw all the toys out of the cot and step into your full power, that day, that feeling, that is when you will truly start living in alignment and that is the day that you will truly bring forth your gifts into the world.


Enough with the cookie-cutter shit, we all have unique gifts. But society has told us that to be loved and accepted we must fit a certain type of mold. Will screw the mold darling, you are here to shine bright like a diamond in whatever form you choose. No one, no matter the mold they are born to occupy will be liked by everyone, so just accept that you are not meant to be everyone's cup of tea, and your feeling great does not depend on everyone liking you. You can be the most liked person on the planet, but I promise you until you step into the real you, the unadulterated, pure version of you, you will have no peace, no alignment and short-lived satisfaction.


I know it is hard to see from where you are now, but TRUE happiness awaits you. Your future is bright.  You got this! Today, choose to be all of you, choose to express your emotions, choose to ask for what you really want, choose to release that which no longer serves you.

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