Spirit light.

After iput many problem that face me in journalism field.

Istand with my message.How ican do it?how ican make change in my home community.and even country about the role of women and her strong power .and woman doesnot deserve bad feeling and bad treatment that comes from the community.

Awoman is anice creature deserve the best.

 Other question that comes in side my self.here in sudan any girl before marriage wear t.shirt.with skirt.after marriage she wearSudaneseToup.it is traditional wear.but ithink if iwant to work hard and travel alot imust wear pantalon with long t.shirt and cover .my head  with this wearing.but goverment prevent pantalon and they get girl in to prison and beat any one dothat.

Here ifind strong thinking in side me.imust fight for my vision every where.if it happens.and iwear it.

Strong idea comes.iestabish apage about people needs in services.and even about the needs of disability ..people 

About tea sellers in the street and their problem with Govto buy in live their childern .

Istand with agreat light comes from my soul to help my people and support them by sending their messages to the responsibilites so they can help them or imake apressure groups with my colleques in the media to pressure ministres to take the right action .

And isuccsed .my page succed and ibecame deputy editor in cheif in my news paper after one month of getting the job.

Here itest the victory and how trust  with your self could lead youto the  safe beach.


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