Cause du divorce en milieu urbain à Bukavu

Dans le milieu urbain ici à Bukavu, nous avons vu plusieurs cas de divorce à cause du complexe d'infériorité.
Infériorité dans ce sens :
- Le mari est chômeur, il n'apporte pas la ration journalière, il devient très complexé dans la gestion de leur foyer.
- La femme moins instruite, elle n'a pas étudié devient complexé devant son mari et se déconsidère.
- Le mari moins instruit que sa femme, devient jaloux et compliqué vis à vis de sa femme.

OUI, j'ai vu un foyer divorcé ici à Bukavu parce que le mari était sans emploi et son travail était de passer dans plusieurs
famille entré d’évangéliser la parole de Dieu aux femmes et filles du milieu pour se créer aussi l'emploi.
Deux ans après, il était devenu Fontain car toute la journée il s’entouré des femmes de tout genre, son langage avait changé et son comportement vis à vis de sa propre femme était devenu trop méfiant.
Vu ceux qui précèdent, leur pasteur et sa femme lui proposant de faire l'évangélisation ensemble en couple mais malheureusement le mari n'avait pas accepté, cela leur créer des disputes et mésentente interminables qui à conduit ce
couple au divorce jusqu’aujourd’hui ou je vous écrit.

Coordinatrice de ADIPP/SUD-KIVU

English translation by community member Nancy Janus


In the urban milieu here in Bukavu we have seen several cases of divorce because of inferiority complexes. Inferiority in this sense:
-The husband is unemployed, he doesn’t even bring home a daily ration, he becomes very conflicted in the management of the home.
-The wife, less educated, who has not studied, becomes conflicted in front of her husband and devalues herself.
-The husband, less educated than his wife, becomes jealous and conflicted in relation to her.

YES, I saw a divorced home here in Bukavu because the husband was without employment and his work was to pass into several families evangelizing the word of God to the women and girls of the place to initiate some work for himself. Two years later he had become Fontain because all day long he surrounded himself with all kinds of women, his language had changed and his behavior toward his own wife had become too mistrustful. Seeing what had previously happened, their pastor and his wife proposed to him to do evangelization together as a couple but unfortunately the husband did not accept that and that created disputes and endless misunderstandings that drove this couple to divorce right up to today when I am writing this to you.

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