Peace Building a Tool for Overcoming Conflicts

Peace Peace Peace

What is peace really?

Understanding what peace is requires you to understand who you really are, what is happening within and around you. 

When my Mind is calm, I have Peace

When my Body is calm, I have Peace

When my Spirit is calm, I have Peace

Growing up as a young girl was not easy as I faced lots of challenges and thus experienced intra personal (myself) and interpersonal conflicts with siblings, friends, neighbors, relations, etc. Today in my country, my community, I experience conflict differently. I am a woman stricken by conflict on the pursuit of peace. I fled from home for safety just to get peace, yet peace seems so far. Gunshots and/ cross fires, ghost towns, shutdowns, dead bodies, injured persons, accidents, cries of despair, panick attacks, shock, hardship, and poverty accompany us day in, day out. I have to experience all these to make ends meet. I encounter young girls and boys, children, women and men who have been displaced, abused, violated, neglected, and separated from their families due to this crisis. No where is safe anymore. What a disheartening situation! Disheartening indeed. Peace where are you? 

My Mind is NOT calm

My Body is NOT calm

My Spirit is NOT calm

The reason why I am a Peace Builder today in pursuit of Peace. Along side others, i have posted on social media and termed "hypocrites in the name of peace". Oh My God! This scared me, I panicked and was afraid of the unknown and the uncertainty that loomed around me. But the thought that I was a Peace Builder motivated me not to give up. That is why as a Peace Builder today I do everything possible within the networks and platforms I have or belong to, to preach the gospel of PEACE. My journey to pursuing peace in on, so on.

Happy International Day of Peace to you all.


#Peace 4Peace



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