I honestly believe that the world would never experience my contribution, if it weren’t for World Pulse. And in my estimation, that is everything; maybe not to the world, but to me!

Contributing is what we are designed to do. It is a compulsion within us. And as women, we are compelled to do this together, in community. And as we do what we are compelled to do, together, what is done is so fulfilling, and rewarding. And really, together IS the answer to every problem.

Moving together, including one another, caring that everyone is moving with us and none left behind; that is our mind. Unity demonstrates our ability, but agreement is our power.

Women are in essence love embodied. We are caregivers, nurturers, encouragers. We sympathize, empathize, and will share any burden. And World Pulse is a platform where we can all come together and do what we are designed to do, for one another.

What we know about what the world is missing, is our input, our personality, and most of all, our heart. We may only be part of the solution, but we embody its heart. And every time we voice our input, our personality comes through, and our hearts are revealed; not only revealed, but expressed.

Our solutions are inclusive. They are rooted in family and community, and through World Pulse, that community becomes global. The world no longer seems so big, and I think the reason is simply because we are connected. Being connected to one another has bridged every distance, and eliminated any separation. The distance was only perceived anyway, and World Pulse has made that perception obsolete.

World Pulse gives women a platform to contribute; to contribute the solutions that are resident within them, and the heart behind them. And unlike any other gender (ha), we are able to come together as one, and as said before, our agreement is our power.

What is impossible for us if we agree? Ask the women of Liberia, who not only ended a war, but elected Ms. President!

Without World Pulse, I’m just a handicapped woman anonymously fighting the good fight somewhere in Eastern Congo. But because of World Pulse, my voice has power. And what is its power? It is the power of being one of the Many.

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