From Blackout to Sunshine.

I have encouraged 15 other women to join me.
I have encouraged 15 other women to join me.
Women rising for their digital rights.
Women rising for their digital rights.
The training builds their capacity on understanding their digital rights.
The training builds their capacity on understanding their digital rights.

Blackout attacked my community like pests

My future in darkness, companionship ruined.

My heart, a hole of bitterness and rage,

Sweating in dark pain

The Berlin blockade can’t measure up

To the solid fence this dark age had built against my job

Journalists spread salty spittle on mics

Talking of my excruciating pain,

Opportunities and possibilities

Passed by in mini-skirts

Spreading mocking heaps on me

No amount of CFA frs could put smile on my face

The fibers distant me from connection

And gave a blind view to communication

Blurring links with collaborators.

I laid my devastating story on my lips

Pushing hard word strings to open new doors

New rooms published my dark experience

Scattered sounds from phones littered my house

Striving to stitch my mouth in filth


Oh! A door was flung widely open

I jumped in, a garment of appointment on me,

Fame and visibility on my sleeves,

Entangled with like-minded people

Who lit the touch on my way

Scaring all shadows away,

In darkness, I saw light


Oh! I sing with digital notes to my people,

Giving them hope with my melodious story

Let them see how strong I've become

In activism

My resilience is strengthened

My voice is bolder and more influential

With sunshine in my face

As one the Digital Rights Advocate in the World.



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